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The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

Volume 74, Issues 1-2,
Pages 1-71 (September 2000)

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Effect of cGMP analogues and protein kinase G blocker on secretory activity, apoptosis and the cAMP/protein kinase A system in porcine ovarian granulosa cells in vitro, Pages 1-9
Alexander V. Sirotkin, Alexander V. Makarevich, Juray Pivko, Jan Kotwica, Hans-Gottfried Genieser and Jozef Bulla
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NADPH- and hydroperoxide-supported 17-estradiol hydroxylation catalyzed by a variant form (432L, 453S) of human cytochrome P450 1B1, Pages 11-18
David C. Spink, Barbara C. Spink, Xiaoliang Zhuo, Mirza M. Hussain, John F. Gierthy and Xinxin Ding
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Epinephrine intracerebroventricular stimulation modifies the LH effect on ovarian progesterone and androstenedione release, Pages 19-24
Miguel A. De Bortoli, Marisa H. Garraza and Luis I. Aguado
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Antiestrogenic effect of opioid peptides in rat uterus, Pages 25-32
Angéla Oszter, Zsuzsanna Vértes, Beáta Töröcsik, József L. Környei, Kálmán A. Kovács and Marietta Vértes
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Isolation and characterisation of a C18 neutral steroid, oestra-5(10),7-diene-3,17-diol, from pregnant mare urine and allantoic fluid. Facile oxidation to yield oestra-5(10),6,8-triene-3,17-diol (diol of Heard's ketone), Pages 33-43
D. E. Marshall, R. J. Mortishire-Smith, E. Houghton and D. B. Gower
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Prevention of bone loss by EM-800 and raloxifene in the ovariectomized rat, Pages 45-56
Céline Martel, Sylvain Picard, Virgile Richard, Alain Bélanger, Claude Labrie and Fernand Labrie
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Biosynthesis of 6-hydroxymethyltestosterone using bovine hepatocyte cultures, Pages 57-62
Anne-Sophie Clouet-Dumas, Bruno Le Bizec, Marie-Annick Le Pape, Daniel Maume, Fabrice Monteau and François Andre
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Anabolic steroid and gender-dependent modulation of cytosolic HSP70s in fast- and slow-twitch skeletal muscle, Pages 63-71
Beatriz González, Raquel Hernando and Rafael Manso
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